Gilbert Lake Association Stories from 2024
November 30, 2024: Karen Hietpas on the North end of Gilbert Two sent this video of birds on the water. Note ice is forming near the shore. |

May 10, 2024: The Northern Lights aurora over Gilbert Lake.
If you have more images from Gilbert for this website, please send them to Mark Persons [email protected]
Wednesday, May 8, 2024: The Gilbert Lake Association Annual Membership Meeting was held at the Brainerd VFW. There were 36 Gilbert Lakers in attendance.
Jayden Jech, a loon specialist with the DNR, spoke about the Restoration of Common Loons in Minnesota project. High-speed boat traffic can damage nests and reduce loon population. Also, loons use pebbles in their stomachs to help digest food. If one of those pebbles is a lead fishing sinker, it will cause lead poisoning and the loon will die. There ae several man-made loon nests on Gilbert Lake. now.
Jayden Jech, a loon specialist with the DNR, spoke about the Restoration of Common Loons in Minnesota project. High-speed boat traffic can damage nests and reduce loon population. Also, loons use pebbles in their stomachs to help digest food. If one of those pebbles is a lead fishing sinker, it will cause lead poisoning and the loon will die. There ae several man-made loon nests on Gilbert Lake. now.
Find out more about getting involved by emailing: [email protected] or call 218-203-4326.
Gilbert Lake Association President Colin Ryan led the meeting. One of the issues discussed was wave action from high-speed boats causing shore erosion. It was pointed out that we share the lake and we should be courteous to others. Parents should instruct their children accordingly.
For those who did not attend, please send your annual membership application in with a check for $50 dues.
March 23 - 27, 2024: It all started on a Saturday night with light snow into Sunday, then Sunday night it increased. Paula Persons used this downtime to listen to the radio and read a book online. Mark Person was out six times with a snow thrower clearing away 12.5 inches before the storm subsided on Wednesday morning.
Spring 2024: