Gilbert Lake Association Stories from 2020
Email July 5, 2020: Hi: Nice job on the blog. Don Ryan
Email July 5, 2020: Mark, Really nice coverage of the events, Mark. Great enthusiasm from folks about the holiday. It was all so much fun and good for our lake community. Karen Koltes Hietpas
Email July 5, 2020: Thanks Mark, for the wonderful pictures. You did a great job putting them on the website and adding the captions. Ralph Fischer
Email July 5, 2020: Mark, Really nice coverage of the events, Mark. Great enthusiasm from folks about the holiday. It was all so much fun and good for our lake community. Karen Koltes Hietpas
Email July 5, 2020: Thanks Mark, for the wonderful pictures. You did a great job putting them on the website and adding the captions. Ralph Fischer
December 22, 2020: From off in the distance, a tracked vehicle starts around the lake. Scott Engelstad reports he has started grooming a cross-country trail around the lake. The trail is for non-motorized traffic. He asks snowmobilers and four-wheelers to cross the trail at a 90 degree angle to minimize the requirement for additional grooming. You can snowshoe fat bike or walk on it if you don't sink in far enough to cause problems for skiers.
The trail is used for skiers too, so please avoid walking in that area.
December 15, 2020:
Dear Neighbors:
Good news. The Trust for Public Land closed today on their acquisition of the 65 acre Sandberg parcel near the landing. It will be transferred to DNR ownership soon, so this land will be available to the public for hiking, fishing, hunting and other non-motorized uses.
Below is a more detailed email from Bob McGillivray at the TPL that he asked I share with you. He told me over the phone that our letter in support was instrumental in getting unanimous approval from the County Board, so he was grateful for our help. His email also notes that they incurred many expenses in this acquisition and, as a non-profit, they are seeking donations.
This is the second time I have worked with the Trust for Public Land on an acquisition (Mississippi River Overlook Park in Baxter). TPL has been involved in helping preserve many thousands of acres in Crow Wing County for public use (Crow Wing State Park additions, Mississippi Potlatch property near airport, etc). I am grateful that the Sandberg parcel has been preserved for us to enjoy, and I plan to donate this year and hope you will consider it, too --Paul Jacobsen
Dear Members of the Gilbert Lake Association:
I am happy to inform you that today The Trust for Public Land acquired the 65 acre Sandberg property which is now permanently protected and will be added to the adjacent Gilbert Lake Aquatic Management Area (AMA). We hope to convey it into DNR ownership in the near future.
I want to thank you for the Lake Association’s and its members support of this project. Your letter was very instrumental in getting the required county board approval. And it always impresses and motivates me to see local citizens stand up for nature and the outdoors. I hope you will all be able to enjoy this land.
For me, in reflecting on the craziness of 2020, being able to get outdoors has really helped me get through this trying time. I value access to nature now more than ever, and I’m proud to work for an organization whose work helps people enjoy the outdoors. Our mission to “create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come” directly supports the tremendous need we’ve seen this year for access to quality parks, trails, and natural areas. Ensuring the outdoors remains “open” has never been more essential to the physical and mental health of everyone.
I have an additional request to make of you. In working on the Gilbert Lake Aquatic Management Area project we incurred many expenses out of our own funds that have not been covered. And as you know, it's been a tough year for many, including nonprofits like us, so as you approach year-end and think about supporting the causes you care about, I hope you will consider The Trust for Public Land with a gift for our work in Minnesota. You can give online here or you can mail a check to the address below. Writing “Minnesota” in the MEMO line will ensure your gift will support the work we do in Minnesota that we all appreciate so much.
To give you a better idea of what our work looks like, here is a link to our 2020 Year in Review which shares information I hope will be inspirational. The Review recaps our strategic commitments of health, equity, and climate; and looks ahead to important projects for the future like adding trails to connect us to nature and each other, and protecting our beloved “wild lands” across Minnesota. I’d also encourage you to visit one of the many other natural places we’ve protected in MN (see project map here) to enjoy some time outdoors and get a flavor for what we do.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cheers to the holiday season and to our great outdoors! Bob McGillivray, Land Protection Director, The Trust for Public Land
Dear Neighbors:
Good news. The Trust for Public Land closed today on their acquisition of the 65 acre Sandberg parcel near the landing. It will be transferred to DNR ownership soon, so this land will be available to the public for hiking, fishing, hunting and other non-motorized uses.
Below is a more detailed email from Bob McGillivray at the TPL that he asked I share with you. He told me over the phone that our letter in support was instrumental in getting unanimous approval from the County Board, so he was grateful for our help. His email also notes that they incurred many expenses in this acquisition and, as a non-profit, they are seeking donations.
This is the second time I have worked with the Trust for Public Land on an acquisition (Mississippi River Overlook Park in Baxter). TPL has been involved in helping preserve many thousands of acres in Crow Wing County for public use (Crow Wing State Park additions, Mississippi Potlatch property near airport, etc). I am grateful that the Sandberg parcel has been preserved for us to enjoy, and I plan to donate this year and hope you will consider it, too --Paul Jacobsen
Dear Members of the Gilbert Lake Association:
I am happy to inform you that today The Trust for Public Land acquired the 65 acre Sandberg property which is now permanently protected and will be added to the adjacent Gilbert Lake Aquatic Management Area (AMA). We hope to convey it into DNR ownership in the near future.
I want to thank you for the Lake Association’s and its members support of this project. Your letter was very instrumental in getting the required county board approval. And it always impresses and motivates me to see local citizens stand up for nature and the outdoors. I hope you will all be able to enjoy this land.
For me, in reflecting on the craziness of 2020, being able to get outdoors has really helped me get through this trying time. I value access to nature now more than ever, and I’m proud to work for an organization whose work helps people enjoy the outdoors. Our mission to “create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come” directly supports the tremendous need we’ve seen this year for access to quality parks, trails, and natural areas. Ensuring the outdoors remains “open” has never been more essential to the physical and mental health of everyone.
I have an additional request to make of you. In working on the Gilbert Lake Aquatic Management Area project we incurred many expenses out of our own funds that have not been covered. And as you know, it's been a tough year for many, including nonprofits like us, so as you approach year-end and think about supporting the causes you care about, I hope you will consider The Trust for Public Land with a gift for our work in Minnesota. You can give online here or you can mail a check to the address below. Writing “Minnesota” in the MEMO line will ensure your gift will support the work we do in Minnesota that we all appreciate so much.
To give you a better idea of what our work looks like, here is a link to our 2020 Year in Review which shares information I hope will be inspirational. The Review recaps our strategic commitments of health, equity, and climate; and looks ahead to important projects for the future like adding trails to connect us to nature and each other, and protecting our beloved “wild lands” across Minnesota. I’d also encourage you to visit one of the many other natural places we’ve protected in MN (see project map here) to enjoy some time outdoors and get a flavor for what we do.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cheers to the holiday season and to our great outdoors! Bob McGillivray, Land Protection Director, The Trust for Public Land
November 12, 2020: Another bog appeared on the channel at Gilbert Lake Three. Matt Karlgaard sent the three photos below.
This last image was taken on December 18, 2020. (l-r) Karen Koltes Hietpas and Paula Persons

Saturday, July 4, 2020: The first annual Gilbert Lake Association Boat Parade was held.

Friday, July 3, 2020: The First Annual Gilbert Lake Association Triathlon was held.
April/May 2020 Lake Country Journal writeup below: